How Frequency Capping Boosted Escape Room Brand Recall and Booking Rates


Increase in Repeat Bookings


Rise in Overall Brand Recall


Growth in Website Traffic


Increase in Social Media Interaction


To reinforce our client's various escape room options in customers' minds, we employed targeted advertising with game-specific ads and custom frequency caps. This method ensures that previous website visitors are consistently reminded of the client's games, aiming to convert curiosity into bookings through repeated exposure.


Even with a wide range of exciting escape room games, our client struggled to stay top-of-mind for past website visitors who didn't book immediately. Our challenge was to keep the escape room brand and its games front and center in potential customers' minds in a competitive entertainment market.


Our campaign was designed around the principles of frequency capping to optimize ad exposure without overwhelming the audience:

Game-Specific Ad Creation

Developed captivating ads for each of the client's escape room games, highlighting unique themes and enticing challenges to grab attention and stir interest.

Custom Frequency Caps

Implemented frequency caps to ensure that past visitors see each game-specific ad four times per week, totaling 16 impressions per month. This strategy was designed to balance visibility with user experience, preventing ad fatigue while maintaining strong brand presence.

Targeted Remarketing

Employed remarketing tools to target individuals who had previously visited the website but had not booked. This targeted approach ensures ads are shown to an audience already familiar with the brand, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Engagement Tracking and Optimization

Monitored engagement metrics and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of the frequency capping strategy, making adjustments based on user behavior and feedback.

Cross-Platform Integration

Extended the ad strategy across multiple platforms, including social media and email marketing, to create a cohesive marketing message that reinforces brand recall.


The strategic use of frequency capping in our ad campaigns significantly enhanced brand engagement and recall.

Repeat bookings increased by 220%, indicating a high level of success in converting previous visitors.

Brand recall among targeted audiences rose by 190%, demonstrating the effectiveness of repeated exposure in establishing brand familiarity.

Additionally, website traffic from returning visitors grew by 170%, and interaction with game-specific content on social media saw a 150% uplift.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy


The client is a dynamic escape room business with multiple themed rooms, each designed to offer unique puzzles and immersive experiences.


Multiple locations across the Northeastern US


Multi-Location Escape Room Business

Boost Brand Recall and Bookings for Your Escape Room Business

Harness the power of strategic ad frequency to boost your brand recall and convert interest into action. Partner with us to create a memorable advertising strategy that drives results.