How We Drove Remarkable Results for Escape Rooms with Content Marketing


Increase in Engagement


Growth in Website Traffic


Rise in Content Engagement


Increase in Conversion Rate


A popular escape room franchise sought to enhance its engagement and conversion rates by creating more compelling and cohesive content across all digital platforms. The goal was to not only attract but also deeply engage potential customers, turning them into loyal fans and frequent visitors.


The client's existing content was inconsistent in tone and style, leading to disjointed customer experiences across different platforms. Furthermore, their content strategy lacked a clear direction, which resulted in underperforming social media channels and low engagement rates on their website.


We developed a unified content strategy that leveraged the strengths of each platform while maintaining a consistent brand voice and message:

Unified Brand Storytelling

Crafted a captivating brand narrative that reflects the mystery and excitement of escape rooms. This narrative was adapted and infused into all content, from website copy to social media posts.

Platform-Specific Content Creation

Designed unique content formats tailored to each platform, such as interactive stories for Instagram, long-form articles for the blog, and engaging videos for YouTube, all interconnected by a common thematic thread.

Interactive and Immersive Elements

Introduced interactive elements such as virtual room tours, online mini-games, and puzzles that users could solve on social media, increasing engagement and providing a taste of the escape room experience.

Consistent Content Scheduling and Promotion

Implemented a rigorous content calendar and promotion strategy to ensure regular and timely posts that capture peak audience times across time zones.

Analytics-Driven Content Optimization

Employed analytics tools to track engagement and performance across platforms, using these insights to continually refine and optimize content strategies.


The new content strategy dramatically increased audience engagement and conversions.

Social media engagement soared by 120%, and traffic to the website driven by content initiatives doubled.

Overall, engagement across all platforms increased by 80%, and the strategic content integration across channels led to a 60% increase in conversion rates.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client operates a chain of high-end escape rooms across the Midwest, known for their innovative scenarios and state-of-the-art puzzle technology.


Multiple locations across the Midwest, US


Multi-Location Escape Room Franchise

Elevate Your Business with Our Unmatched Content Strategy

Engage your audience like never before with a content strategy that entertains, informs, and converts. Discover the power of truly engaging content with our expert team.