How We Strengthened an Escape Room’s Brand Presence by Leveraging Social Proof


Increase in Customer Engagement


Rise in Conversion Rates


Growth in Brand Recognition


Increase in Traffic to Review Sections


We deployed an extensive retargeting strategy spotlighting customer reviews to strengthen and broaden the online presence of our client, an escape room company. Harnessing social proof across digital platforms, we turned positive customer experiences into potent marketing assets, drawing in new players and bolstering brand trust.


Despite having many positive reviews, our client wasn't utilizing them properly in marketing. The challenge was to effectively integrate this social proof into retargeting efforts to maximize visibility and impact, ensuring that potential customers could not only see but feel the excitement and satisfaction of past participants.


Our approach centered on using customer testimonials in a targeted retargeting campaign, designed to engage previous site visitors and convert interest into bookings:

Review-Based Ad Content Creation

Curated a selection of the most compelling text and video testimonials from satisfied customers. Created visually appealing and emotionally engaging ads that featured these reviews, highlighting the fun and unique experiences at our client's escape rooms.

Strategic Frequency Caps

Implemented frequency caps to optimize how often ads appeared to the same user, ensuring the brand's presence was noticeable without being overwhelming. This helped maintain a balance between visibility and user experience.

Cross-Platform Retargeting

Deployed retargeting ads across multiple platforms, including Google Display Network for text-based ads and YouTube for video testimonials. This multi-platform approach increased the reach and effectiveness of our campaigns.

Segmentation and Personalization

Segmented the target audience based on their interaction levels and preferences, tailoring ads to match their interests and previous engagements with the site. This personalization improved the relevance and resonance of the ads.

Tracking and Optimization

Continuously monitored ad performance to assess engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Utilized this data to refine ad placements, content, and targeting strategies, maximizing ROI and effectiveness.


The strategic use of customer reviews in retargeting campaigns significantly enhanced our client's digital marketing success.

Engagement with the ads increased by 220%, while conversion rates from these ads saw a 200% rise, demonstrating the compelling power of social proof.

Brand recognition improved by 180%, affirming the client's reputation as a top choice for escape room entertainment.

Additionally, traffic to the reviews and testimonial sections of the website increased by 160%, further boosting potential customer trust and interest.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client is a renowned escape room company with multiple locations, offering a wide range of immersive themes designed to cater to various groups and preferences.


Multiple urban locations across the US


Multi-Location Escape Room Business

Unlock Escape Room Business Success By Leveraging Positive Customer Reviews

Turn your customers' stories into your strongest marketing asset. Contact us to learn how strategic retargeting with social proof can elevate your brand and conversion rates.