How Our Gamified Email Marketing Strategies Drove Escape Room Success


Increase in Email Open Rates


Rise in Customer Engagement


Growth in Conversion Rates


Increase in Social Sharing


To stand out from the usual flood of promotional emails, our client, a forward-thinking escape room company, decided to try something different with their email marketing. They nalwent for a strategy that turned their emails into mini-games, making them more fun and interactive. This change really grabbed people's interest, got them more involved, and ultimately led to more bookings.


The client's previous email campaigns were informative but failed to engage recipients actively, resulting in mediocre open rates and low interaction. The challenge was to design an email strategy that not only informed recipients about offerings but also enticed them to interact and participate actively.


To transform the client's email marketing into an engaging, interactive experience, we employed the following gamified techniques:

Interactive Puzzles and Challenges

Each email included a mini-game or puzzle related to the themes of the client's escape rooms. Completing the puzzle would reveal a special offer or discount code, incentivizing recipients to engage with the content and visit the escape rooms.

Progress Bars and Achievement Levels

Implemented a loyalty program communicated through emails, where recipients could accumulate points for opening emails, clicking links, or booking rooms. Progress was visually displayed in each email, encouraging continued engagement to reach new levels and unlock rewards.

Timed Challenges and Urgency

Sent emails with time-sensitive challenges where recipients had to act within a certain timeframe to avail exclusive offers. This created a sense of urgency and mimicked the time-bound nature of escape games, enhancing the thematic consistency of the marketing content.

Personalized Storylines

Developed email narratives where recipients could choose different pathways or make decisions that influenced the content of future emails. This personalized approach kept recipients curious about upcoming emails and encouraged them to stay engaged over time.

Social Sharing Incentives

Encouraged recipients to share their game results or challenge completions on social media to receive additional rewards. This not only increased engagement but also amplified brand visibility organically.


This innovative gamified email marketing strategy resulted in a dramatic increase in all targeted metrics.

Email open rates surged by 400% due to the anticipation and excitement generated by the interactive content.

Engagement with the emails rose by 350%, with significant increases in clicks and interactions within the emails.

The conversion rate from these campaigns grew by 300%, directly boosting bookings.

Additionally, there was a 275% rise in social sharing of email content, significantly enhancing the brand's online presence and reach.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client operates a chain of themed escape rooms that offer immersive puzzle-solving experiences, catering to various demographics and group sizes.


Multiple locations across the US


Multi-Location Escape Room Business

Unlock Your Ultimate Business Success with Our Gamified Email Marketing Strategy

Ready to transform your email marketing with interactive and gamified content that drives real engagement and conversions? Let us show you how to bring the excitement of gaming into your campaigns.