How Our Innovative Approach Transformed the Escape Room Game Pages


Increase in Page Engagement


Increase in Online Bookings


Growth in Time Spent on Pages


Rise in Social Media Shares


We noticed that most escape room companies had lacklustre or nonexistent dedicated game pages, so we set out to change that. Our innovative approach focused on creating captivating game pages that do more than just list details; they tell a story and actively encourage visitors to book a game.


Many escape room businesses overlooked the potential of their game pages, often resulting in bland or generic content that failed to engage potential customers. The absence of dedicated game pages or the presence of poorly designed ones contributed to low customer engagement and booking rates.


We introduced a structured, story-driven approach to the design of game pages, incorporating three key components that enhance the user experience and drive conversions:

The Storyline

Crafted engaging narratives that set the scene for the escape room adventure, using captivating language to draw visitors into the story.

The Plot

Developed a concise yet intriguing plot summary that outlines the challenges and intrigues without giving away key surprises, maintaining a balance between teasing the mystery and providing enough detail to spark interest.

Your Mission

The objectives of the game were clearly defined, giving potential players a clear understanding of what they would accomplish. This helped in decision-making and increased the anticipation of the challenge.

Custom Graphics

Each component of the game page was enhanced with custom graphics that were thematic to the story of the game. These visuals were not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, designed to draw the eye and complement the text, thereby increasing engagement and retention.


The revamped game pages dramatically outperformed the old versions, leading to a 200% increase in engagement.

Online bookings through these pages saw a remarkable 180% uplift, while the average time visitors spent on these pages grew by 150%.

Additionally, the shareability of these pages increased, as evidenced by a 130% rise in social media shares, spreading awareness and attracting more visitors.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The clients included various escape room companies ranging from single locations to larger chains, all benefiting from tailored game page designs.


Multiple locations globally


Escape Room Business

Elevate Your Escape Room Game Pages with Engaging Digital Experiences

Transform your game pages from mere listings into compelling stories that capture hearts and drive bookings. Discover how our innovative approach can revolutionize your online presence.