How We Maximized Escape Room Revenue with Gift Cards


Increase in Gift Card Sales


Year-Round Growth in Revenue


Rise in Repeat Purchases


Increase in Customer Engagement


Recognizing the potential of gift cards as both a primary sales driver and a tool for customer retention, our client, an innovative escape room company, leveraged our marketing expertise to maximize their profitability.

By implementing a targeted strategy that emphasized gift card promotions during the holiday season and maintained momentum with year-round campaigns, we transformed gift cards into a substantial and consistent source of revenue.


Previously, the client's gift card sales were primarily opportunistic, peaking during the holidays but lacking sustained focus throughout the year. The challenge was to elevate gift card visibility and desirability as a versatile gift option year-round, thereby smoothing revenue streams and enhancing customer engagement.


Our comprehensive approach to gift card marketing involved several key initiatives designed to boost sales and reinforce the brand's value:

Holiday Season Campaigns

Launched high-impact marketing campaigns during major gift-giving holidays, utilizing themed promotions, limited-time offers, and bundled deals to drive significant sales volumes.

Year-Round Promotion Strategy

Maintained consistent visibility for gift cards with smaller, continuous campaigns tailored to various customer life events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, ensuring gift cards remained a top-of-mind choice.

Cross-Promotional Tactics

Integrated gift card promotions with other marketing activities, including special events and new room launches, to increase overall spend and visitation rates.

Digital and Physical Sales Channels

Optimized both online and in-location marketing to promote gift card purchases, leveraging email marketing, social media, in-room upsells, and strategic placement at the point of sale.

Customer Segmentation and Targeted Messaging

Employed customer segmentation to tailor messaging that resonated with different demographics, enhancing the personal appeal of gift cards.


The strategic focus on gift card marketing paid off significantly, with a 400% increase in sales during the holiday season and a consistent 300% increase in year-round revenue from gift cards.

Additionally, the campaign fostered a 250% rise in repeat purchases as recipients returned to use their gift cards, enhancing overall customer engagement by 200%.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client operates a chain of escape rooms across multiple states, each designed to provide unique, immersive gaming experiences that challenge and entertain.


Multiple locations across the US


Multi-Location Escape Room Business

Turn Gift Cards into New Revenue Streams

Discover how strategic gift card marketing can elevate your sales year-round. Let us show you how to transform gift cards from simple add-ons to major revenue drivers.