How We Captured Corporate Groups for Escape Room Bookings through LinkedIn


Increase in Corporate Bookings


Growth in Overall Revenue


Rise in Repeat Bookings


Uplift in Brand Awareness


Seeking to expand their business beyond leisure customers, our client, an established escape room company, tapped into the corporate market for team-building events and company outings through targeted LinkedIn Ads. This strategic move aimed to capture a lucrative segment that was largely untapped by competitors, resulting in significant bookings and extended customer networks.


Before our involvement, the client had limited exposure to corporate audiences and struggled a lot to break into the market for professional events.

The challenge was to effectively reach and engage decision-makers in organizations who plan team-building activities and company outings.


We crafted a tailored LinkedIn advertising strategy that targeted professionals involved in corporate event planning, focusing on delivering compelling content that demonstrated the value of escape rooms for team-building:

Targeted Professional Audience

Utilized LinkedIn's powerful targeting tools to reach HR professionals, administrative assistants, and corporate event planners within specific industries known for investing in employee engagement and team-building activities.

Engaging Ad Content

Developed ads that highlighted the benefits of escape rooms for team-building, including enhancing communication, problem-solving, and collaboration among coworkers. Used high-quality images and testimonials from previous corporate clients to build credibility and appeal.

Custom Landing Pages

Created landing pages specifically designed for corporate bookings, providing detailed information on packages, the benefits for teams, and easy contact options to encourage immediate inquiries and bookings.

Follow-Up Strategies

Implemented a robust follow-up strategy using LinkedIn's lead gen forms, which captured interested parties' details for direct follow-up by the sales team, enhancing conversion rates.

Cross-Promotional Opportunities

Leveraged these corporate events to cross-promote family and private event packages, subtly encouraging corporate clients to consider the escape room for personal celebrations, thereby expanding our client base.


The LinkedIn Ads campaign significantly boosted the client's visibility and bookings in the corporate sector.

Corporate event bookings increased by 250%, and overall revenue from corporate clients grew by 200%.

The strategy also successfully fostered repeat business, with a 180% rise in bookings from the corporate network's personal events.

Additionally, brand awareness among professional audiences increased by 150%, positioning our client as a preferred choice for corporate and private events alike.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client operates several high-quality escape room facilities designed to cater to both corporate groups and private parties, providing engaging, challenging, and fun experiences.


Middletown, NY


Single Location Escape Room Company

Boost Corporate Engagement with Our LinkedIn Ads Strategy

Discover how targeted LinkedIn advertising can transform your escape room business by connecting you directly with corporate decision-makers. Let us help you unlock new opportunities in the corporate market.