How We Unlocked B2B Bookings for an Escape Room Brand with LinkedIn


Growth in Bookings


Boost in Profile Views


Increase in Followers


Growth in Revenue


In today's digital landscape, B2B marketing success highly depends on effective networking and relationship-building strategies. This case study dives into our experience in harnessing the power of LinkedIn to drive B2B booking success for an escape room business, resulting in increased corporate event bookings, enhanced brand visibility, and substantial revenue growth.


Our client, an escape room business targeting corporate clients for team-building events and corporate outings, faced challenges in effectively reaching and engaging with decision-makers in the B2B space.

Traditional marketing channels delivered limited results, and the client sought innovative approaches to expand their corporate clientele and increase bookings for group events.


Our strategic approach to leveraging LinkedIn for B2B booking success encompassed the following key elements:

Targeted Audience Identification

Utilized LinkedIn's robust targeting capabilities to identify and connect with decision-makers, HR professionals, and corporate event planners within target industries.

Thought Leadership Content

Developed and curated thought-provoking and industry-relevant content, including articles, case studies, and blog posts, to position our client as a trusted authority in the team-building and corporate event space.

Personalized Outreach

Implemented a personalized outreach strategy, including connection requests, direct messages, and InMail campaigns, tailored to the specific needs and pain points of target prospects.

Engagement and Relationship Building

Actively engaged with prospects through meaningful interactions, comments, and shares on LinkedIn posts and articles, fostering genuine relationships and building trust over time.

Event Promotion

Leveraged LinkedIn Events and targeted advertising to promote corporate team-building events and special promotions, driving attendance and bookings.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

Continuously monitored campaign performance, engagement metrics, and conversion rates, refining targeting, messaging, and content based on data insights to optimize results.


The implementation of our LinkedIn B2B booking strategy delivered significant outcomes for our client:

Increased Corporate Event Bookings

Our client experienced a 200% increase in corporate event bookings within the first six months of implementing the LinkedIn strategy, attributed to targeted outreach and engagement with decision-makers.

Enhanced Brand Visibility

Our client's presence and visibility on LinkedIn grew substantially, with a 150% increase in profile views and a 100% uplift in followers, establishing them as a prominent player in the corporate team-building space.

Revenue Growth

The surge in corporate event bookings directly translated to a 75% increase in revenue, demonstrating the tangible impact of leveraging LinkedIn for B2B booking success.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


Our client is a premier escape room venue specializing in immersive and team-building experiences for corporate groups and special events. With a focus on delivering unique and memorable adventures, they cater to businesses seeking engaging and interactive team-building activities.


London, UK


Single-location Escape Room Brand

We'll Make You Excessively More Money Why We're the #1 Marketing Choice

Ready to scale new heights in B2B booking success and attract corporate clients to your escape room business? Contact us today to unlock the potential of LinkedIn and elevate your B2B marketing efforts.