How Long-Term Metrics Strategy Accelerated Escape Room Business Growth


Increase in Year-Round Revenue


Growth in Repeat Bookings


Increase in Online Reviews


Rise in Membership


A regional escape room chain sought to not only expand their business but also to understand and quantify their growth over time. They enlisted our expertise to implement a comprehensive metrics and analytics strategy that would track their progress and inform future decisions.


The client had previously relied on basic performance indicators that did not provide the depth of insight needed for strategic decision-making. This lack of detailed analytics hindered their ability to effectively measure and drive growth.


Our approach was to establish a robust framework for tracking and analyzing key performance indicators that reflect the health and momentum of the business:

Advanced Analytics Setup

Integrated advanced tracking systems to monitor detailed interactions on their website and social platforms, including user behavior and conversion tracking.

Custom Dashboard Creation

Developed custom dashboards that provide real-time insights into critical metrics, such as customer retention rates, average spend per visit, and campaign performance, allowing for agile management and quick adjustments.

Longitudinal Data Analysis

Employed statistical tools to analyze trends over time, identifying patterns that indicate opportunities for growth or the need for intervention.

Feedback Loop Implementation

Set up mechanisms to gather and analyze customer feedback continuously, integrating this data into the overall performance evaluation.

Regular Reporting and Strategy Reviews

Established a routine of monthly and quarterly performance reviews with the client to assess progress against goals and refine strategies as needed.


The enhanced focus on detailed metrics and continuous analysis paid off significantly.

The client saw a 150% increase in year-over-year revenue, indicating substantial business growth.

Repeat customer visits grew by 125%, reflecting improved customer satisfaction and retention.

Online reviews and ratings doubled, enhancing the brand's reputation and trustworthiness.

Additionally, membership program enrollments increased by 80%, boosting long-term customer loyalty and recurring revenue.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client owns a popular chain of escape rooms in major suburban areas, known for their thematic diversity and high-quality immersive experiences.


Multiple locations across the Northeast US


Multi-Location Escape Room Chain

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Business with Our Long-Term Metrics Strategy

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