How We Multiplied Conversion Rates for an Escape Room Business


Increase in Conversion Rate


Boost in Customer Engagement


Growth in Return on Investment


Rise in Social Media Conversion


An escape room chain with locations in multiple cities partnered with us to refine their marketing approach, seeking to balance creative content with data-driven strategies to maximize conversions and enhance customer engagement.


Previously, the client's marketing efforts were heavily skewed towards creative campaigns that, while visually appealing, lacked a solid analytical foundation. This imbalance led to suboptimal spending and underperforming campaigns in terms of ROI and conversions.


Our approach was to integrate robust data analytics with innovative and creative designs to optimize marketing effectiveness:

Data Integration and Analytics

Implemented advanced data tracking and analytics to gather deep insights into customer behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns.

Creative Campaign Development

Leveraged insights from the data to design creative campaigns that resonate more effectively with targeted audience segments, ensuring content relevancy and appeal.

A/B Testing for Optimization

Routinely conducted A/B testing on various creative elements and messaging to refine and hone the marketing materials based on empirical data.

Cross-channel Marketing Synchronization

Coordinated marketing efforts across all channels — social media, email, PPC, and traditional media — to maintain a consistent, data-informed creative message that drives conversions.


This synergistic approach led to a remarkable improvement in marketing performance.

Conversion rates surged by 90%, driven by more targeted and engaging campaigns.

Customer engagement increased by 75%, reflecting higher content relevancy and interaction.

ROI from marketing campaigns grew by 65% due to more efficient use of the marketing budget.

Additionally, social media conversions rose by 50%, demonstrating enhanced effectiveness in digital outreach.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client operates a popular chain of escape rooms known for their thematic complexity and immersive experiences, appealing to both casual visitors and enthusiasts.


Multiple locations across the Pacific Northwest, US


Multi-Location Escape Room Chain

Master the Art and Science of Marketing

Discover how the perfect blend of creativity and data can transform your marketing efforts. Partner with us to craft campaigns that not only captivate but also convert.