How We Amplified ROI Through Strategic Advertising for an Escape Room


Increase in Return on Investment


Uplift in Overall Bookings


Growth in Repeat Customer Rate


Rise in Social Media Engagement


A well-established escape room business strived to maximize its advertising return on investment while maintaining its reputation for quality and innovation. The objective was clear: enhance profitability through refined advertising strategies that not only attract new customers but also promote higher frequency of repeat visits.


Despite a strong market presence, the client was not achieving the desired returns on their advertising investments. The main challenges included ineffective ad placements, poor audience targeting, and undistinguished messaging that blended into the competitive landscape.


To revamp the client's advertising approach, we employed a multi-platform strategy tailored to capture diverse audience segments:

Audience Segmentation and Targeted Campaigns

Developed detailed buyer personas to tailor messages for new visitors, repeat customers, and special event planners.

Optimized Ad Placements and Scheduling

Leveraged analytics to determine the best times and platforms for ad placements to maximize visibility and engagement.

Enhanced Creative Content

Introduced dynamic and interactive ad content that reflects the unique experiences offered by the escape room, making use of advanced formats like carousel ads and short video clips.

Cross-Platform Remarketing

Implemented a cross-platform remarketing strategy to re-engage visitors who showed initial interest but did not complete a booking.


Our strategic approach delivered remarkable results.

Return on advertising spend doubled, evidenced by a 200% increase in ROI.

Overall bookings surged by 120%, with a significant 90% increase in repeat customer rates, indicating a higher retention of clientele.

Additionally, social media campaigns saw a 70% rise in engagement, expanding the client's digital footprint and brand recognition.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


Located in a major metropolitan area, the client operates a high-end escape room known for its intricate design and innovative game mechanics. They cater to a wide range of demographics, offering both individual and group experiences.


Multiple Locations across the US


Multi-Location Escape Room Company

Supercharge Your Advertising and Discover the Road to Remarkable ROI

Transform your advertising strategy into a powerhouse of profitability. Join the ranks of escape rooms that have seen unprecedented growth and ROI with our tailored advertising solutions.