How We Optimized Escape Room Conversion Rates with UX Design


Increase in Conversion Rates


Reduction in Bounce Rates


Rise in Positive Customer Reviews


Increase in Mobile Conversion Rate


In the competitive landscape of escape room marketing, user experience (UX) design plays a crucial role in driving conversions and maximizing revenue. This case study dives into how our client, a leading escape room business, utilized UX design strategies to enhance their website's performance and boost conversion rates.


The client faced challenges in effectively guiding website visitors through the booking process and converting them into paying customers. With a complex maze of information and booking options, users often encountered friction points that hindered conversion and contributed to high bounce rates.


Our UX design strategy focused on streamlining the user journey and optimizing key touchpoints:

User Research

Conducted in-depth user research and analysis to understand visitor behavior, preferences, and pain points, informing UX design decisions.

Simplified Navigation

Streamlined website navigation and information architecture to reduce cognitive load and make it easier for users to find relevant content and booking options.

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Implemented prominent and persuasive CTAs throughout the website to guide users towards booking decisions and encourage action.

Mobile Optimization

Ensured seamless functionality and intuitive design across all devices, prioritizing mobile responsiveness to accommodate users' increasing preference for mobile booking.

A/B Testing

Conducted rigorous A/B testing of design elements, layouts, and messaging to identify high-performing variations and iterate on improvements for optimal conversion rates.


Our client achieved significant improvements in website performance and conversion rates through strategic UX design enhancements.

Increased conversion rates by 35% within the first three months of implementing UX design optimizations.

Reduced bounce rates by 20% as a result of improved website usability and navigation.

Enhanced user engagement and satisfaction, leading to a 25% increase in positive customer reviews and testimonials.

Improved overall website performance metrics, including session duration, pages per session, and average session duration.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


Our client is a premier escape room destination known for its immersive themes, challenging puzzles, and memorable experiences. With a commitment to delivering exceptional customer experiences, they sought to elevate their online presence and streamline the booking process through strategic UX design.


[Client's Location], US


Single Location Escape Room Venue

Enhance Your Online Presence with Top-notch User Experience

Ready to transform your website into a conversion powerhouse with strategic UX design? Contact us today to learn how our expertise can help you optimize your digital presence and drive tangible results for your escape room business.