How Our Strategic UI/UX Redesign Elevated an Escape Room Website


Increase in User Engagement


Growth in Online Bookings


Reduction in Bounce Rate


Improvement in Conversion Rate


Struggling with static growth and an outdated digital presence, a regional escape room company pursued our expertise to revamp their website. Our aim was to improve user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) to drive bookings and enhance customer satisfaction.


The client's original website was cluttered and non-intuitive, causing frustration among users and leading to high bounce rates. The lack of mobile optimization and slow load times further deterred potential customers from booking.


Our comprehensive UI/UX overhaul focused on making the user's journey both enjoyable and efficient:

User-Centric Design

Implemented a sleek, modern design with intuitive navigation and clear calls to action, ensuring that users could book rooms with minimal hassle.

Mobile Optimization

Revamped the site to be fully responsive across all devices, particularly optimizing for mobile users to accommodate the growing trend of mobile bookings.

Speed Optimization

Enhanced website speed by optimizing images and streamlining code, significantly reducing load times.

Engagement Elements

Introduced interactive elements such as virtual tours of escape rooms and integrated customer reviews to engage users and build trust.


The redesign had an immediate and profound impact on website performance.

User engagement soared by 85% due to a more intuitive user interface and engaging content.

Online bookings increased by 60% as the streamlined booking process significantly reduced barriers to conversion.

The bounce rate dropped by 50%, and the overall website conversion rate improved by 40%.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


Our client operates multiple escape room venues across the United Kingdom, known for their innovative themes and exceptional customer service.


Multiple locations across the UK


Multi-Location Escape Room Company

Transform Your Website Into a High-Performance Engine

Discover how a strategic UI/UX redesign can elevate your site's performance and skyrocket your conversions. Let us show you the transformative power of great design.