How We Revolutionized Escape Room Marketing with YouTube Video Ads


Increase in Booking Rates


Growth in Engagement


Rise in Repeat Customer Visits


Increase in Brand Awareness


To boost our client's escape room games' visibility, we launched an engaging YouTube Video Ad campaign. Our high-quality videos, gripping stories, and immersive sound effects not only showcase the excitement of the games but also inspire viewers to turn their everyday routines into thrilling adventures.


Before we stepped in, our client faced difficulties in showcasing the immersive excitement of their escape rooms using traditional advertising.

The challenge was to effectively convey the unique allure of their escape rooms to a wider audience and keep content engaging to encourage repeat visits.


Our strategy centered around creating engaging, high-quality video content that appeals directly to local YouTube users:

High-Quality Production

Produced professional-grade videos that highlight the thrilling and immersive aspects of the escape rooms. Each video featured captivating visuals, gripping narratives, and atmospheric sound effects to grab attention and stir curiosity.

Compelling Copy and Storytelling

Crafted narratives for each ad that speak directly to the viewer's desire for adventure and escape from the mundane, positioning our client's escape rooms as the perfect solution.

Targeted Ad Placement

Utilized YouTube's targeting capabilities to reach local audiences with high potential for engagement, including those showing interest in entertainment, team activities, and local events.

Seasonal and Event-Based Content Rotation

Developed a content calendar that introduces new videos regularly throughout the year, aligned with seasonal themes, holidays, and local events to keep the ad content fresh and engaging.

Engagement and Conversion Optimization

Optimized each video for viewer engagement, including strong calls-to-action that encourage immediate booking. Implemented YouTube's interactive ad features to allow viewers to click directly to the booking page from the video.


The YouTube video ad campaign dramatically enhanced the visibility and appeal of the escape rooms.

Booking rates from viewers of these ads increased by 300%, and engagement with the video content grew by 250%.

The campaign also significantly boosted repeat visits, with a 200% rise in customers returning for new challenges.

Furthermore, brand awareness among local audiences increased by 180%, solidifying our client's reputation as a premier escape room destination.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client is a premier escape room business that offers a variety of themed rooms designed to provide immersive adventures for players of all ages.


Multiple locations across NY


Multi-Location Escape Room Business

Showcase the Allure of Your Escape Room With Our YouTube Video Ads Wizardry

Ready to captivate and expand your audience with professionally crafted video ads? Discover the power of visual storytelling with our targeted YouTube advertising strategies.