How Precision Advertising Drove Record Attendance to Escape Room Events


Rise in Event Attendance


Growth in Ticket Sales


Increase in Engagement


Rise in Return Visitors


A prominent escape room venue sought to dramatically increase attendance for their special themed events, such as Halloween and mystery nights. They partnered with us to deploy targeted advertising campaigns designed to captivate and engage their ideal audience.


The client's previous attempts at promoting events were hampered by broad, unfocused advertising efforts that failed to reach and resonate with the most likely attendees. Their promotional strategy lacked the specificity needed to effectively market their unique event offerings.


Our strategy hinged on creating highly targeted and compelling advertising campaigns across digital platforms, specifically tailored to attract the client's ideal audience:

Audience Segmentation

Utilized detailed customer data to segment the audience based on interests, past attendance, and demographic information, ensuring ads reached those most likely to attend themed events.

Customized Ad Content

Developed dynamic ad content that highlighted the unique aspects of each event, incorporating enticing visuals and compelling calls to action tailored to each audience segment.

Multi-Platform Ad Deployment:

Strategically placed ads across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, and local event listing sites, optimizing each campaign for platform-specific best practices.

Retargeting and Reminder Ads

Implemented retargeting ads to re-engage users who showed interest but did not purchase tickets, and scheduled reminder ads as events approached to boost last-minute sales.

Analytics-Driven Optimization

Continuously monitored ad performance to adjust strategies in real time, maximizing effectiveness and ROI.


The targeted advertising campaigns significantly outperformed previous promotional efforts, resulting in a 200% increase in event attendance and a 150% growth in pre-event ticket sales.

Engagement with event promotional posts rose by 120%, indicating heightened interest and interaction.

Furthermore, 90% of attendees from targeted ads returned for subsequent events, underscoring the success of the campaigns in building lasting engagement.

Statement: Stories Told, Identities Protected. Why?

To respect client confidentiality, identities are protected while showcasing the transformative impact of our winning strategy.


The client is a widely recognized escape room in the heart of a major cultural district, famous for its creatively themed escape challenges and high-quality production values.


Austin, TX


Single Location Escape Room Venue

Boost Your Event Marketing with Precision Advertising

Unleash the full potential of your events with targeted advertising that not only reaches but captivates your audience. Discover how our precision ad strategies can fill your events to capacity.